
External Gages
MTG now offers twenty-two different external gage frames, ranging in capacity from .190 to 18 inches.

Internal Gages
The basic internal gage frames are available in two models. The G-600 with a capacity from .190 inches to 4.5 inches basic and the G-1200 with a capacity from 6 inches to 18 inches.

Thread Inspection
MTG, Inc. decided to look for answers by studying one of the most successful methods of gaging external threads, the 3-wire system. No one had ever seriously considered this system for internal threads before.

We have the capabilities to grind many parts to your desired specifications. Tapers, major diameters, and multiple diameters are easily ground, and we can even grind radii on internal and external diameters, such as is required on spherical bearings.

Custom Leadscrews
We manufacture leadscrew/nut assemblies to the customer’s application –design requirements.
About MTG, Inc.
MTG, Incorporated started developing and manufacturing indicating gages in 1970 for the purpose of resale, with a goal of providing an accurate and modular hand-held system. We currently sell our gaging systems to companies worldwide.